Posts Tagged Contracts

Your legal responsibilities as a Virtual Assistant

Okay, grab yourself a cup of tea or coffee and maybe a large pack of biscuits because today, we’re diving into the wild, high-octane world of your legal responsibilities as a UK Virtual Assistant. The subject is as dull as ditchwater, but if you’re going to run your own VA business, you need to understand how to stay protected and compliant.

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The legal stuff every Virtual Assistant needs to know

Virtual Assistants need legal contracts so they don’t get sued or screwed. Clients expect you to have them and they’re there to give both you and your client peace of mind if it all goes south. It may start out all rainbows and fairies but client relationships can sour – and you do not want to find yourself naked and shivering without a contract!

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Negotiation advice for Virtual Assistants

At some point, a client is going to ask to change a clause in your Virtual Assistant freelancer contract. This is perfectly normal and there is no need to panic. However, while a contract is just a starting point, knowing how to negotiate a clause and navigating the process can feel overwhelming – especially if you’re a new VA.

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