Hey there, my name is Joanne Munro, and I think that traditional employment absolutely sucks.
I’ve hated pretty much every single job I’ve ever had.
Lazy colleagues, incompetent managers, toxic workplaces, low wages, being overworked and undervalued and doing pointless and boring work all day.
Traditional employment is a total scam.
I’ve always felt that life was too short to spend it slogging your guts out for someone else and trying to fit your “real life” into the gaps.
What you do for a living should also be your “real life”.
They say that life is a journey, well I want to be the driver and not the passenger.
They don’t tell you this at school, but it’s possible to have a career AND a life.
They keep this quiet, but as long as you can pay your mortgage and eat, there’s no reason you can’t do what you want, where you want, when you want, and for whomever you want.
Millions of people live this way, and there’s absolutely no reason why you can’t, too.
So, if you’re thinking of becoming a Virtual Assistant, I will help you set up your business. And if you’re already a Virtual Assistant, I will bust a gut to make you a better one.
Because my life is 1000 times better since I became my own boss, and I want your life to be 1000 times better, too.
What you’ll find on this site
Useful information
I tell you what you need to do to become a Virtual Assistant and then how to work better once you’re up and running so you can expand and adapt as your business grows.
Setting up is just the first step.
You need to keep learning new skills so you can build a profitable Virtual Assistant business. There’s no point putting in a ton of hard work to set up a business only to lose it because you ended up prioritising your client’s business over your own.
Integrity and honesty
I sometimes recommend products and services that I know you’ll find useful. These are always things that I use myself or wholeheartedly endorse.
You’ll always know when something is an affiliate link, and everything I recommend will be 100% useful to you. Some things are more important than money, and my reputation is one of them.
More than just business advice
Working as a Virtual Assistant and being a business owner are two very different things.
A VA has to be detail-orientated to support their clients, but they also need to have bigger-picture skills to make decisions that will steer their business in the right direction.
The first one will come naturally (you’re a freakin’ stationery-loving admin machine, after all), but the second one won’t.
This is why much of my content focuses on how to be a good business owner and not just how to set up a Virtual Assistant business.
Because you have to do both if you want to be successful.
And what you won’t
Fluff and bullsh*t
Excuse my French, but I prefer to cut through the plethora of waffle and nonsense out there and deliver useful information.
I want you to have a successful business and a happy work life, so I will give you clear and honest facts about working for yourself so you can see what it’s really like to run a Virtual Assistant business.
Unicorns and fairies
It’s not my style to write in a cutesy kinda way. I’m somewhat direct, and I’m not everyone’s cup of tea, but that’s okay.
I just prefer to say what I think and not waste time tarting up a blog post so people will like me.
I’m assuming you’re just as busy (if not busier because I don’t have any kiddos) and want clear and simple information.
I also don’t believe in manifesting success from thin air or asking the Universe to do the heavy lifting. I’m not into any woo-woo kinda stuff.
I believe we make our own success.
I have two main products to help the two types of people that visit this website.
My DIY VA Course (for aspiring VAs)
If you don’t have the time or energy to try and work out how to set up your VA business by yourself, just take the short route and let me walk you through the entire process.
My flagship DIY VA course will have you up and running in next to no time. You’ll avoid all the mistakes I made when I first started out, I support you all the way, and you can even pay in instalments.
I’ve trained well over 1000 Virtual Assistants (many of whom now run VA agencies), and I’ve also been voted the UK’s preferred trainer by VAs on multiple occasions.
The VA Growth Hub (for existing VAs)
Many VAs think they’re done once they’ve set up their business. But nothing could be further from the truth.
In fact, that’s just the beginning.
The VA Growth Hub is a no BS membership for Virtual Assistants who want to make more money, get better clients, learn new things, up their marketing game, work smarter, and grow their business.
Whichever stage you’re at, it’s absolutely lovely to have you here!