Posts Categorized Money And Legal

What Virtual Assistants need to know about data protection

Unless you live on the moon, I’m sure you’ve heard of the European Union’s General Data Protection Regulation. Commonly known as the GDPR, these regulations affect every business whether it is based in the EU or not – so you AND your clients need to comply with it. Here’s what you need to know about global data protection and how to stay compliant.

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Do Virtual Assistants need a contract?

When I started out as a Virtual Assistant I thoroughly researched other VA websites and noticed that many of them mentioned contracts or terms and conditions –  yet when I asked another Virtual Assistant in my area about them she said she never used a contract and simply trusted her clients. So what did I do?

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How to handle late paying clients

At some point during your VA career, you’re going to get some late-paying clients – it’s just the way things are. Some clients are fantastic and pay your invoices immediately, some like to cut it fine, and some will really test your patience. Here’s how to deal with the late payers without opening a can of whip-ass on them.

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